
Exibindo página 1 de 1 páginas encontradas (total: 7).

Natural Resources and The Enviroment

Natural Resources and The Enviroment Why Natural Resources and the Environment? The lower availability of natural resources and consequent increase in their costs have made it imperative to strive for efficiency as a priority. Added to this is an inc


Infrastructure Why Infrastructure? OCurrent production models are specialized in value chain stages located in different regions. For the Brazilian economy to enter these value chains, investing in energy supply, transportation logistics and telecomm

Industry’s vision for COP27

Industry’s vision for COP27

Studies and analyses

Studies and analyses topo Studies and analyses ul.publicacoes.row { margin-left: -15px !important; margin-right: -15px !important; padding: 0 !important; } ul.publicacoes.row li.col-md-6, ul.publicacoes.row li.col-md-3, ul.publicacoes.row li.col-md-4

Solid waste

Solid waste topo SOLID WASTE Waste must be seen as a valuable asset and an alternative in a scenario of scarcity of natural resources In the last decades, waste management in the industry has prioritized the efficiency of production processes and the

Climate change

Climate change topo CLIMATE CHANGE The climate change agenda has left the strictly environmental sphere and now directly influences economic competitiveness The climate change agenda has left the strictly environmental sphere and now directly influen

About CNI

About CNI The National Industry Confederation (CNI) is the main representative of the Brazilian industry. It is the highest body of the industry trade union system and, since its foundation in 1938, it has defended the interests of the national indus